This new addition to the Bigblue Dive Lights photo/video light family is the biggest and brightest choice for the semipro photo/video enthusiast who wants a warm white light (5000K) with a remote control. The biggest improvement to this light for 2021 is that it now has Blue Light built-in for Fluorodiving performance. The remote controller and optical fibre are included in the kit allowing you to adjust the power and functions from a camera mount. This will allow you to control the light at a more comfortable position of your choosing. The CB15000PB-RCP is a self-contained, compact yet powerful, all-purpose dive light—but it is best suited for video purposes with its extra-wide 160-degree beam and warm white color temperature. Utilizing “Chip on Board” technology, the CB15000PB-RCP will provide a beautiful even-toned light source to make any underwater creature pop with natural color. This light also features a built-in Red LED function. This light comes in a protective hard case.